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How is Soccer Related to Nature?

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Nature’s impact on soccer performance is a game-changer and it could be the ”secret” weapon you’ve been missing. I say “secret” because it’s not really a secret that we should connect with nature yet many soccer players, youth and professionals, fail to take advantage of the many, and oftentimes free, benefits of working with nature.

Growing up, intuitively I knew it made sense to spend as much time in nature and outdoors as possible. As I got older I began to truly understand the science and the real reasons why nature is so important for performance on and off the field.

In this blog I will explain how soccer relates to nature and the crucial role it plays in overall health, performance on the field and recovery off it.

Soccer and Nature

The Similarities of Soccer and Nature

Although soccer and nature are two completely different things, there are many similarities between the two. First, research, such as this one, shows that soccer is the most unpredictable sport in the world, in the same that anything can happen out in nature at any given moment.

The unpredictability is what sets soccer apart from other sports. Think about the World Cup for a second. Even people who don’t regularly watch soccer will tune-in to the World Cup and usually keep watching soccer, even occasionally, afterwards because it gives them a glimpse of what the beautiful game is all about.

Other countries have even more unpredictability because they have promotion and relegation systems which the United States does not. This type of system makes every game a high pressure game and requires a different type of drive and motivation that might be lacking in fixed systems, like in Major League Soccer.

Among all this unpredictability and chaos, there is also a lot of teamwork involved, which aims to create order from all of the disorder going on. Soccer teams, like natural ecosystems, must work together to navigate through the environment and accomplish a common objective, which in this case is to score more goals than the opposing team.

Players must communicate effectively and understand each other’s movements, to respond correctly to the ever-changing dynamics of the soccer field, in the same way different species interact and depend on each other for survival in ever-changing dynamics of nature.

Soccer and Nature

Nature is a Decentralized System, not a Centralized System

Now that you understand how similar soccer and nature are, let’s talk about how nature is a decentralized system, meaning there is no single authority in charge. Most things in our modern world are centralized, which means they do have a leading authority figure in charge such as the government, the fitness industry, the food industry, the music industry, pharmacies, hospitals, schools, gyms, and many more.

The image below is of various examples of decentralized systems found in this universe. Another example of a decentralized system is Bitcoin, which is why many people are fans of Bitcoin because it is harder for the Centralized system, in this case banks, to control what you do with your money.

Basically, everything in our modern world is now centralized and these centralized systems will work to push out agendas and narratives about what they believe to be true, to get everyone else to agree with them. For example, the fitness industry has certain beliefs about how to train for strength and conditioning; the food industry has certain beliefs about what foods they want you to eat and what foods to avoid; and the pharmacies tell you that you need their medications to survive and you won’t without them.

Nature is the biggest decentralized system in the world and it has been doing its own natural experiments for billions of years, which is why it is not smart to work against nature. We are a product of Nature’s billion year old experiments and that is why we are alive today.

This is why it is best to work with nature because we are and have always been part of this massive decentralized system. There is no doubt that centralized institutions are very helpful when it comes to emergencies, such as saving lives during car crashes, breaking bones, and things like that.

However, when it comes to longevity and your overall long-term health, these centralized systems do not have your best interest in mind. Most of these centralized “experts” learned about “medicine” and how to put people on drugs and over-the-counter medicine but they were not taught real human biology, chemistry, physics, and math, which you have to understand to understand how to heal the body naturally.

Mathematics is the language of the Universe, physics uses mathematics to explain the laws of the Universe and make sense of the physical world, chemistry uses physics to explain how atoms and molecules bind and work with each other, and biology explains how chemical processes make life possible.

To fix your health you have to apply the principles of these main sciences into your everyday life, not just take random medicine that centralized systems push onto their citizens.

Soccer and Nature

Image by Source

Healing with Nature is FREE

Most of the things I will explain in the next section about how you can work with nature are FREE and they will have a much bigger impact on your health than anything centralized systems try to sell you. This is something centralized systems do not want you to know, because if you learn the truth about how you can basically heal anything with nature, then they lose customers and can no longer sell you things.

Once you start working with the biggest decentralized system in the universe you will begin to experience life-changing results in your health and athleticism. There are many reasons why nature is beneficial, but the biggest reason as to why working with nature can reverse a lot of diseases and problems is because of its impact on mitochondrial function and your circadian rhythm, which are the most fundamental aspects of health and longevity.

Most, if not all, diseases are related to the mitochondrial genome, not your nuclear genome because your mitochondria are responsible for how you create and use energy inside your body, while the nucleus is the part that stores information. Intuitively, doesn’t it make sense that working with nature, something we are a part of, can heal you?

Soccer and Nature

Salmon Creek Falls in Big Sur, California

The Benefits of Working With Nature

Before I explain how to work with nature, let’s talk about the main benefits.

Soccer and Nature

How to Work with Nature

Now that you have a better understanding of what nature is and its benefits, let’s discuss how you can start becoming more aligned with nature and feel the benefits for yourself.

  • Don’t go to bed too late
  • Wake up early enough to see the sunrise in the morning
  • See the sunset in the evening
  • After sunset, wear blue light blockers to block artificial blue light from electronic devices
  • Get enough sunlight daily and avoid sunglasses, that block out important wavelengths of the sun, and sunscreens, that are loaded with cancer-causing chemicals that also block important wavelengths of the sun
  • Spend time barefoot to get the benefits of grounding
  • Use natural recovery techniques daily and as much as possible
  • Prioritize healthy nutrition, hydration, snacks, and post/pre game meals 
  • Limit and avoid EMF Radiation Exposure 
  • Use barefoot style shoes
  • Spend more time outdoors
  • Go on long walks in nature
  • Stop staying indoors, not getting enough sunlight, and looking at screens all day
  • Stop wearing shoes all day
  • Stop eating processed junk food
  • Stop drinking tap water
  • Stop applying a ton of synthetic chemicals on your skin

Waterfall in Puerto Rico


To summarize, soccer and the natural environment around us are a lot more similar than they are different. Working with nature, which means following the natural laws of the planet, and not working against them, is one of the most simple, and basically free, things that you can do to improve various aspects of your life on and off the field.

In this blog, I covered everything you need to know about how soccer and nature are related from explaining their similarities, to explaining how nature is a decentralized system, as well as providing you with tips on how to align with nature to get its many powerful and oftentimes free benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I begin improving my soccer skills right now?

To begin improving your soccer skills right now, check out our post on the best soccer training drills. If you are looking to accelerate your progress, contact us or sign an interest form for our private training program.

How can soccer players help with climate change and habitat destruction?

As the world faces challenges like climate change and habitat destruction, athletes can have a positive effect by promoting eco-friendly practices, brands and products, and raising awareness about the environmental impact.

What is the best way to get better at soccer?

The best way to get better at soccer is to play the game a lot, train the right things, train hard, and work with nature. Check out this blog for a more in depth look at how to get better at soccer.

What is the best soccer equipment to train with?

Soccer, or football, is a fairly simple game that requires hardly any equipment for you to enjoy. All you really need is your bare feet, a ball, and maybe some cleats, although playing without cleats will help you better connect with your environment. Check out this blog for the best soccer training equipment.

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