13 Best Soccer Snack Ideas for Your Next Big Game

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Coming up with the best healthy soccer snack ideas can be a challenging task for anybody including parents and coaches. Snacks are not only fun for kids, but they also help fuel players for their big game or training session.

We all know the struggle. You want to find snacks that are nutritious, but also taste good enough for youth players to enjoy. Soccer snacks are an important element of any player’s routine, young or professional, and along with proper nutrition and hydration, these three elements have a huge impact on athletic performance and recovery.

In this blog, I will share with you the best healthy soccer snacks to bring for your next soccer game day.

Common Soccer Snacks to avoid

One of the main reasons I wanted to write this blog is because many of the posts on the first page of Google when you type in “best soccer snacks” give parents many recommendations of “foods” and “snacks” that barely even classify as food. Most of the “snacks” on these lists are literally legal drugs such as highly processed cereal or granola bars, chips, and sports drinks.

For this reason, I highly advise parents to know, understand, and read food labels. A good rule of thumb is to only consume ingredients that you can actually pronounce and that you would be comfortable putting on your skin and vice versa, only put products on your skin that you would eat.

Whether you eat something or put it on your skin that molecule will get absorbed into your body either way so it’s important to be aware of the ingredients of the products you are using. These are some of the most common “soccer snacks” to avoid.

Note the “” marks because again all of these foods are fake and have more negatives than they do positives.

  • Chips fried in seed oils like Canola oil
  • Cereal, cereal bars, granola bars
  • Muffins
  • Sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade
  • Sugary drinks like juice boxes
  • Flavored rice cakes
  • Animal crackers
  • Flavored yogurt made from pasteurized milk
  • String cheese made from pasteurized milk

13 Healthy Soccer Snack Ideas

So now that you know that most snacks you see on the shelf are not “real snacks” that you should be eating, let’s talk about some real healthy snacks that you should prioritize.

soccer snack ideas

Local and In-season Fruits:

Fresh fruit is the perfect snack because it combines essential vitamins and minerals with water. To get the most benefit from fruit make sure you prioritize foods that are local and in season, and ideally organic.

This is why I can’t recommend a specific fruit because you should learn what fruits are growing in your area and eat those because they grew in your environment for a reason. Avoid or limit fruits that have been flown from around the world as well as gummy fruit snacks, which do not count as fresh fruit.

soccer snack ideas

Raw Honey:

Raw honey is a natural carbohydrate and sweetener that is rich in antioxidants, has antibacterial properties, and is a great snack that will give you quick long-lasting energy.

soccer snack ideas

Fruits and Raw Honey:

Combining fresh fruits with raw honey is a great way to add natural sweetness to a snack while also providing more essential nutrients. Some people may be scared of consuming too much sugar, but fruit sugar is completely different from sugar in candies and unhealthy foods.

soccer snack ideas

100% Fruit Juice:

100% fruit juice is a good source of vitamins and minerals, but it is important to choose brands that do not contain added sugars or artificial flavors. You can also make your own, which is preferable, or buy from a trusted source. This is a much better alternative to sugary drinks, like mainstream sports drinks.

soccer snack ideas

Natural Spring Water:

Staying hydrated is essential for young athletes, and natural spring water is a great way to replenish fluids and electrolytes lost during exercise. This type of water, fresh spring water, is completely different from tap water because, like the water in the fruit, it is structured EZ water which helps keep you more hydrated.

soccer snack ideas

Raw Kefir:

Raw kefir is a fermented dairy product that is rich in probiotics and can help support digestive health. It can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with fresh fruit for a healthy snack. I used to be a big fan of yogurt until I found out about raw kefir, which is similar to yogurt but much healthier for you.

soccer snack ideas

Image by Source

Raw Milk:

Raw milk is a nutrient-dense food that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. It can be enjoyed on its own or used to make other healthy snacks. One of the best players in the world, Erling Haaland, is known for drinking a lot of raw milk, which he refers to as his “secret potion.”

soccer snack ideas

Image by Nicolas J Leclercq

Raw Chocolate Milk (Raw milk + cacao powder):

Raw chocolate milk is a healthy and delicious snack option that provides essential nutrients and antioxidants. To make this drink simply blend some raw milk with cacao powder.

soccer snack ideas

Raw Cheese:

Raw cheese is a good source of protein and healthy fats and can be enjoyed on its own.

soccer snack ideasImage by Tamas Pap

Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate is a good source of antioxidants and can be enjoyed in moderation as a healthy snack.soccer snack ideasImage by Alex Bayev

Grass-fed Beef Jerky:

Grass-fed beef jerky is a good source of protein and can be a healthy and satisfying snack option for young athletes.

soccer snack ideasImages by Alex Bayev

Hard Boiled Eggs:

Hard-boiled eggs are a good source of protein and can be a convenient and healthy snack option for young athletes.

soccer snack ideas

Carrot sticks and cucumber slices:

Fresh vegetables like carrot sticks and cucumber slices are a healthy and refreshing snack option that can be enjoyed on their own or with a dip like hummus, just make sure the hummus has good ingredients.


To summarize, investing your money in the best healthy soccer snacks for your soccer games and training sessions is crucial for optimal performance, energy levels, and recovery. In this blog I provided you with a list of the best soccer snack ideas as well as a list of popular soccer snacks to avoid.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do soccer players need supplements?

There are various soccer supplements that could be beneficial for soccer players, but they should only be considered if you have fixed your nutrition and hydration needs first.

What should a soccer player diet consist of?

A soccer player’s diet should consist of local fruits and vegetables, high quality carbs, healthy fats, high quality protein, spring water, raw honey, and raw dairy if you can tolerate it. Check out this blog to find out what to eat before a soccer game.

What snacks do soccer moms have?

Most snacks that soccer moms recommend are horrible, have no nutritional value, and are usually chosen because they are the cheapest. This includes things like granola bars, fruit snacks, and sugary drinks.

You may think they provide quick energy, and they probably will because they are mostly sugar, but the energy will not last long and long term there are many bad effects of eating these foods. Learn to read food labels and try some real snacks like the snacks on this list.

How can I begin improving my soccer skills right now?

Nutrition is just one of the keys to optimal performance and improving your soccer skills. Another way to begin improving your soccer skills right now is by checking out our post on the best soccer training drills. If you are looking to accelerate your progress, contact us or sign an interest form for our private training program.

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